How to connect Android mobile internet to PC/Laptop

How to connect Android mobile internet to PC/Laptop
                                  Here we discuss How to connect android mobile to pc. Many of the sources to connect mobile to PC, connected by USB cable and many more, but here the solution you can connect mobile to PC or laptop very easy way. In this way, you not only connect your phone to laptop miles of distance. So without getting query directly on topic how to connect android mobile to PC or laptop.

Follow these steps:-

     1.    Search in Google for team viewer according to your window.

     2.    Hit the download button.

     3.    Then search on your mobile quick support team viewer for Android mobile and download.

     4.    When you download this app on your mobile then open and show numeric digits.

      5.    Enter these digits on your PC/laptop team viewer a then hit connect blue button.

      6.    After that you show on your mobile deny and allow, you go with allow for mobile internet connection to PC/laptop.

     7.    And then you see connect mobile to PC very easy way.

      8.    After connected you see your left-hand side you chat for any query from anywhere.

                                                                  That’s it very easy solution to connect mobile internet to pc/laptop. This team viewer is you can use from anywhere you set one person query easy solution. Also, you can chat with your query from another person you connected.

                                         I hope you understand How to connect android mobile internet to Pc/laptop”. If you really enjoying this don’t forget to appreciate my efforts in the comment below. You will not be disappointed, for more information, come again on my blog.

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